Andrés López-Varela

Andrés López-Varela

Andrés is a senior marketing leader, one of State of Social's best-rated speakers, and a proud cat-dad.

Appears in 9 Episodes

Episode 09 // Organic content: the hottest takes

In this episode, Andrés is joined by deputy content director at ABC Radio Brisbane, Scotty McDonald, Instagram expert and founder/CEO of social media consultancy The S...

Episode 08 // The end of Search (as we know it)

In this episode, Andrés chats with account director at performance marketing agency Bonfire, Will Bal, and Emma Hollins, principal experience designer at Western Austr...

Episode 07 // Building bridges: fandom and brands

In this episode, Andrés is joined by fan engagement expert, Dr Georgie Carroll, brand and gaming strategist James Whatley, and intellectual property lawyer at law firm...

Episode 06 // Mental health and social media

In this episode, Andrés sits down with general manager of social media and community management company Quiip, Larah Kennedy, CEO and founder of mental health social e...

Episode 05 // The power of the big platforms

In this episode, Andrés is joined by managing partner at social media consultancy Frankly, Michael Corcoran, creator economy expert and author of the ICYMI newsletter,...

Episode 04 // Effective storytelling on any budget

In this episode, Andrés talks to The Washington Post’s senior video producer Dave Jorgenson, the head of POLY, oOh Media’s content and creative hub, Josh Gurgiel, and ...

Episode 03 // Culture or creativity: what comes first?

In this episode recorded live on-stage at State of Social '24, Andrés is joined by global strategy leader Paula Bloodworth, WA’s most awarded creative of the decade, B...

Episode 02 // How to get the most out of your State of Social '24 experience

In this episode, host Andrés López-Varela is joined by State of Social founder and marketing industry expert Meg Coffey to give us a behind-the-scenes peek at State of...

Episode 01 // Get ready for State of Social '24

Welcome to The Alchemists, a limited-series podcast from marketing conference State of Social, delving deeper into the big conversations that start on stage at the eve...

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